About ReasonConf
This conference aims to demonstrate that ReasonML is able to be more than a niche language in the space of frontend languages. Attendees should feel motivated to introduce Reason & OCaml in their professional context and also feel comfortable with the currently existing tools. For that, this event will provide a well balanced schedule with practical & theoretical content.
Another goal is to bring together contributors, lead developers and community drivers of the Reason, ReasonReact and OCaml platform. During the conference there will be enough time to discuss, innovate and synchronize on important topics on the roadmap. Besides formalities, this is also a great opportunity to finally meet people in person instead of chatting on Twitter or Discord.
To close our mission statement, attendees demonstrate that the Reason community is for everyone. We encourage diversity, establish a strong community guideline for a harassment free, more diverse environment and want to offer our platform to give a voice to everybody.
We are the organizers of the ReasonVienna community, an offspring of ReactVienna. Both organizations are dedicated to support the exchange of knowledge and to raise new talents in the Austrian web developer community, with a strong focus on Facebook’s UI library ReactJS.
The conference is legally represented by the Reason Association.