
Cheng Lou
Cheng Lou
I work on Reason and Facebook Messenger

Amelie Benoit
Amelie Benoit
As a web developer, I worked in France to create web applications first using Angular and then React; always in Javascript. A few month ago, I joined Ubisoft Montréal to work on a React-Native application in ReasonML. Sketchnoting addict, I also like to share knowledge and look for solutions to bring fun and dynamism in daily life.

Benjamin San Souci
Benjamin San Souci
Ben is a French citizen who is excited about building things. After getting his bac in France, he decided to check out what was on the other side of the pond. After getting his degree in Software Engineering, and a short detour through Google, he found himself working at Apple.

Peter Piekarczyk
Peter Piekarczyk
Peter Piekarczyk is the co-founder of Draftbit: a tool that allows anyone to build native apps visually with almost no learning curve. Draftbit is built with ReasonML and has allowed his team to move quickly and effortlessly. Peter loves to cycle, drink coffee and make music. He’s a huge fan of learning how to do new things. Peter was born in Chicago but speaks fluent Polish.

Douglas Teoh
Allm Inc
Douglas Teoh
Allm Inc
Douglas is a software engineer currently working at Allm Inc. in Japan. He develops backend services with Ruby, and webapp frontends with various compile-to-JavaScript languages. He has also published open source macOS apps.

David Corticchiato
David Corticchiato
I started as a C++ developer 14 years ago (So I’m old basically). About 7 years ago I chose to quit embedded software industry for web development. I’ve been a Pythonita for a long time, then a javascript developper. Now I work for Ubisoft as a mobile developer. We’re rebuilding our app in ReasonML + React Native.

Christoph Knittel
Control Center Apps GmbH
Christoph Knittel
Control Center Apps GmbH
Christoph Knittel is CTO at the Vienna-based Control Center Apps GmbH. Combining 20 years of experience in the design and development of software products with enthusiasm for mobile apps, React/React Native and ReasonML, he has set out with his team to bring modern technologies and user interfaces to enterprise applications in the Public Transport and Public Safety industries.

Jeremie Dimino
Jane Street
Jeremie Dimino
Jane Street
Jeremie Dimino is the original author of Dune, a popular OCaml build system. He has been working as a Software Engineer at Jane Street for the past 6 years where he thrived doing what he is passionate about: programming and Open Source. He is also part of the core OCaml development team and has contributed to various aspect of the compiler such as improving the FFI. He is also the initial author of the utop toplevel and was the main maintainer of the widely used Lwt library for several years.

Gage Peterson
Gage Peterson
I graduated in Computer Science from Brigham Young University - Idaho, where my senior project was building a (poor) programming language in OCaml, later went on to work for Podium where I’ve built lots of stuff in Elixir, JavaScript (React), and Ruby, OCaml has remained my favorite language through it, recently had more serious discussions about introducing Reason. I’m Vegan, passionate about the environment.

Jonathan Siebern
Digital Solutions GmbH
Jonathan Siebern
Digital Solutions GmbH
Full-Stack-Developer from Münster, Germany with about 17 years of experience (mostly web technologies working for Digital Solutions GmbH in Münster, creating tools for online marketers.